Tag Archives: baking

The Hypocritical Blogger Begins

When I worked in business generation at a commercial real estate firm, I was asked to start a blog for the company. My attitude towards blog writing for most, especially commercial real estate, was that too many people have too much to say about too little. My bad attitude and I passed the buck to someone else at the firm, and the project carried on without me. When I call myself a hypocritical blogger, it is a true statement. It was always my opinion that there are far too many clever, well written blogs on the interwebs for mine to truly count. Well, now that I’m sleep deprived and have a tiny little person in my home  (hence the blog name- mom zombie, get it? Clever, eh?), I don’t much care for the internet fame and fortune (if it comes my way, woohoo, but realistically …) but more or less want to keep a record of our growth as a family, including the good and the bad. This blog isn’t as much for the gen pub as much as it is for Team Gwinn and those that like us enough to want to know (some) of the inner workings of our home (and the twisted mentality of the matriarch).

With that out of the way, blog content will range from dogs to diapers, baking and cooking to tinkering in the engine bays of our cars, emotional rants to dry humor, and quite a bit in between. I’ll be doing some retro posting about pregnancy, labor and delivery, the first four weeks with Fletcher (that’s our little duderino), and life with my favorite husband, Ehron. I already have ideas for the future and encourage you to ask questions- this will be (among other things) a frank, open forum to shed light on the gritty side of motherhood, usually with a side of sarcasm.

Stick around, thanks for tuning in, and thanks for stopping by.